Manitoba Group Joins REAL Alternatives as Canadian Lead for NatRef Training

By Ntsako Khosa, Mar 03, 2021, 16:23 2 minute reading

The ozone protection association will add low-GWP refrigerants training to its portfolio of training services.

MOPIA to offer REAL Alternatives’ NatRef training/Pexels

REAL Alternatives 4 Life, an international technician training program on low-GWP alternatives, announced that the Manitoba Ozone Protection Industry Association (MOPIA) joined the group as a National Lead offering training to installers across Canada.

As a government-appointed multi-stakeholder organization, MOPIA  fosters environmental protection and mitigates climate change. It works closely with industry and already has a range of technician training options. The organization’s partnership is seen as a real step in taking the natural refrigerants conversation and its implementation further.  “We are looking forward to bringing the REAL Alternatives low- GWP refrigerants training to our portfolio of training services for installers across Canada,” said Mark Miller, Executive Director at MOPIA, in a statement.

“MOPIA joins the team at a time when the refrigeration and air conditioning world is moving towards the adoption of a range of low-GWP alternatives now available,” stated Marco Buoni, REAL Alternatives Ambassador.

According to Buoni, REAL Alternatives 4 Life's’ global commitment to safety, reliability, efficiency and lowering the environmental impact of cooling activities is demonstrated by the growing number of countries adopting its practical and theory training. The REAL Alternatives 4 Life program now includes 20 countries spread across the globe and 17 language versions. In a project funded by the EU spanning over three years, the program certified 200 trainers in handling low-GWP refrigerants such as CO2, hydrocarbons and ammonia (NH3).

The program's approach to low-GWP refrigerant training offers blended learning resources covering flammables and CO2. This includes free online theory training for self-study, supported by classroom teaching and assessment resources for licensed training providers. Technicians completing the full program via one of the licensed training providers can earn a REAL Alternatives Certificate.

MOPIA joins the team at a time when the refrigeration and air conditioning world is moving towards the adoption of a range of low-GWP alternatives now available.”
– Marco Buoni, REAL Alternatives 4 Life

By Ntsako Khosa

Mar 03, 2021, 16:23

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