ATMOsphere America to showcase leading end users’ adoption of natural refrigerant systems

By team, Jun 08, 2016, 16:53 1 minute reading

The ATMOsphere America conference in Chicago next week will feature end user panel discussions addressing the latest implementation of natural refrigerant systems by some of the leading food retailers and industrial refrigeration operators in North America.

The conference will take place at the Westin Michigan Ave, June 16-17.

Panelists on the food retail panel, scheduled for 9am on June 17, will include: Patrick Gareau, refrigeration specialist, Sobeys; John DeCicco, president, DeCicco & Sons; David Schalenbourg, director, technical department, Delhaize Belgium; James Hyland, vice president, corporate communications and public affairs, Roundy’s; Keith Milligan, financial controller, JTM Corp. (Piggly Wiggly); and Keilly Witman, owner, KW Refrigerant Management (representing Whole Foods).

Panelists on the industrial refrigeration end user panel will include: David Bornemeier, president, Western Gateway Storage; John Scherer, manager of engineering, LA Cold Storage; Luc Decubber, head of enterprise, Canneberges Bécancour; Gerard von Dohlen, president, Port Newark Refrigerated Warehouse; and Harry Paul, sales & marketing manager, refrigeration group, Air Treatment Group (representing Shepherd’s Egg).

The food retailer panelists will cover every type of natural refrigerant system being implemented by grocery stores in North America, from transcritical CO2 (Sobeys, DeCicco’s, Roundy’s and Delhaize) to ammonia/CO2 (Piggly Wiggly) to propane (Whole Foods). The panel will be moderated by Tom Land, manager of the Environmental Protection Agency’s GreenChill partnership, and Michael Garry, editor of Accelerate America

The industrial refrigeration panelists will also delve into every type of natural refrigerant system being adopted by cold storage and food processors in North America, from low charge ammonia (Western Gateway, LA Cold Storage) to ammonia DX (Sherpherd’s Egg) to transcritical CO2 (Canneberges Bécancour). The panel will be moderated by Michael Garry, editor of Accelerate America.

To view the program for ATMOsphere America 2016, go to:

To register, please follow this link.

By team (@r744)

Jun 08, 2016, 16:53

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