200 million JPY for Tokyo’s SMEs introducing CO2 refrigeration system

By Clémence Girard-Reydet, Jul 09, 2014, 18:13 2 minute reading

Following the ambitious investment schemes from Japanese Ministries, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government showed leadership by introducing a complementary subsidy for natural refrigerant equipment targeting small businesses. A budget of 1.5 million euros is now available for Tokyo’s SMEs to introduce their first CO2 system.

On 26 June, the Bureau of Environment of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) announced a brand new subsidy scheme for the introduction of centralised “energy efficient CO2 systems” among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and businesses run by individuals in the Tokyo area. First introduced in Tokyo, such a local government initiative can soon cause a ripple effect among other major cities such as Osaka, Kobe or Sapporo.

Tokyo introduced the new subsidy scheme to reduce the emissions related to f-gas leakage in existing refrigeration equipment and to raise awareness about the f-gas problem as well as newly required f-gas management methods from the revised F-Gas regulation (planned from April 2015) among small businesses. The new subsidy is complementary to the scheme introduced by the Ministry of Environment, which is more suitable for large businesses.

Up to 50 million JPY for changing the HFC equipment to R744

The selected SMEs will receive a subsidy of 1/3 of the total cost of the refrigeration system including the installation costs. The subsidy is limited to 6,667,000JPY (48,000 EUR) per installed system and to a total of 50 million JPY (360,000 EUR) per company. If the recipient received the Ministry of Environment subsidy, the available amount of the TMG’s subsidy would be reduced accordingly. Total budget for the first year of the subsidy program is 200 million JPY (1.5 mil EUR). If successful, the investment scheme will continue next year.

The subsidy is not applicable for the introduction of plug-in showcases using natural refrigerants, only for remote CO2 systems consisting of condensing unit and showcases located within a store. Companies and individuals can submit their applications from now until 27 February 2015.

Requirements of the subsidy:

1) new refrigeration system must be at least 5% more efficient than the same category HFC-based system

2) the subsidy is allocated only to replacements of current f-gas based refrigeration systems, not to new installations

3) the existing equipment has reached the minimum legal service life (6-7 years)

4) the equipment must have been checked for refrigerant leakage by the manufacturer or a maintenance company during the last year

5) selected SMEs must display a ‘f-gas free technology” logo on the showcase as well as on the store entrance (no required logo, only recommendation)

6) the installation must be completed by 13 March 2015


By Clémence Girard-Reydet

Jul 09, 2014, 18:13

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