US consumers demand fuel-efficient cars

By team, Oct 17, 2006, 00:00 1 minute reading

Car buyers show a growing inclination to smaller and environmentally friendly cars. However, many consumers are not willing to do without extras, such as Mobile Air Conditioning. The 2007 Fuel Economy Guide from governmental sources helps them to decide.

On 17 October, the US Department of Energy and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the 2007 Fuel Economy Guide to promote sustainable consumer choices. The data listed in this guide is based on tests that manufacturers and EPA conduct.

"Each year millions of Americans buy new cars, and by using fuel economy information, each consumer can make a more educated decision that will help conserve energy and save money," Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman said. The publication comes at a time when US Americans more and more decide for fuel-efficient versions of established brands. A Honda spokesman confirms that “buyers were asking for very affordable, very safe, very efficient transportation.” However, consumers expect to find features like Air Conditioning in their cars.

Background The Fuel Economy Guide is an annual publication containing the fuel economy estimates for all cars and light trucks. It includes information about the range of fuel economy for different classes of vehicles, a list of models with the highest and lowest fuel economy, and tips for improving vehicles’ performance.


By team (@r744)

Oct 17, 2006, 00:00

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