Technischer Bericht Untersuchungen zur möglichen Entflammbarkeit des Kältemittels R1234yf in Kraftfahrzeugen (Technical Report in German)

published Nov 08, 2013 - 77 pages

Together with the final report on the flammability of R1234yf, the KBA provided additional technical information on the tests performed.
The technical report, drafted by TÜV Rheinland, comprises observations, data and assessments of the flammability of refrigerant R1234yf used in MAC. Furthermore, a report by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) provides an analysis on the crash tests conducted for the "R1234yf project."

Together with the final report on the flammability of R1234yf, the KBA provided additional technical information on the tests performed.
The technical report, drafted by TÜV Rheinland, comprises observations, data and assessments of the flammability of refrigerant R1234yf used in MAC. Furthermore, a report by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) provides an analysis on the crash tests conducted for the "R1234yf project."


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