By Guentner GmbH & Co. KG, published Mar 22, 2017 - 3 pages
The Rewe supermarket in the Norderstedt district of Schleswig-Holstein operates as a CO2 neutral store. The building was awarded the DGNB platinum prize in the 'retail building' category in recognition of this high standard of building and sustainable use of material and energy resources. The transcritical CO2 cooling system from the company Epta uses a Güntner FLAT Vario gas cooler from the S-GVH series.
The REWE Group implements sustainable and energy-efficient supermarket concepts in Germany. At the end of 2016 the company has established more than 50 green building supermarkets in accordance with DGNB (German Association for Sustaina- ble Building) standards, and there are even more in the pipeline. The REWE green building concept for the sustainable construction and operation of commercial real estate is based on the integrated planning of all trades. In terms of building services, the latest cooling and air conditioning, heating, ventilation and lighting technology was installed.
The around five million euro supermarket building in Norderstedt has a sales floor area of 1,300 m2, made from environmentally friendly building materials. It is particularly well insulated, and the pioneering building engineering dispenses fully with the need for fossil fuels. Further features that contribute to the positive energy footprint include the daylight architecture and the use of locally sourced, renewable energy (heat recovery, heat pumps and photovoltaics).
The solar system on the roof of the supermarket is designed to fully cover own electricity consumption needs on Sundays. During opening hours, the solar collectors cover some 40 to 55 percent (distributed throughout the day) of the demand. Around 70 percent of the heat energy is derived from waste heat from the central commercial refrigeration, while the heat pump covers peak heat loads.
(Read full case study below.)
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