Evaluation of Heat Recovery Performance in a CO2 Ice Rink

By Energi & Kylanalys, published Sep 06, 2016 - 8 pages

At 12th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Natural Working Fluids Conference, Simon Bolteau, Jörgen Rogstam and Mohammed Tazi explored heat recovery in Ice rinks.

Ice rinks have a high coinciding cooling and heating demand which turns them into ideal heat recovery applications. Using carbon dioxide (CO2) as a refrigerant in a trans-critical refrigeration system allows the ice rink to be self-sufficient in terms of heat. High temperatures can be supplied which in combination with a suitable heating system design can result in very high heat recovery performance. This study is based on the system solution used in the Gimo ice rink, first of its kind in Europe, using a 100% CO2 trans-critical system, with direct expansion.


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