Ecodesign: Energising European Economies

Jun 21, 2012 - Jun 21, 2012 - in Brussels, Belgium

Ecodesign, the ‘forgotten’ energy directive in the present political debate on energy efficiency, takes center stage during this Sustainable Energy Week event. Holding the same potential CO2-savings as the ETS does, it is unfortunate this directive is laying low in the political arena.

In this afternoon event, the Coolproducts campaign and its partners will showcase what Ecodesign can bring to European economies, consumers and businesses in terms of poten

Ecodesign, the ‘forgotten’ energy directive in the present political debate on energy efficiency, takes center stage during this Sustainable Energy Week event. Holding the same potential CO2-savings as the ETS does, it is unfortunate this directive is laying low in the political arena.

In this afternoon event, the Coolproducts campaign and its partners will showcase what Ecodesign can bring to European economies, consumers and businesses in terms of potential energy savings and energy security. Manufacturers, NGOs and researchers will look at the upside of Ecodesignas well as point out where there is room for improvement.

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The afternoon will be moderated by Monica Frassoni, former MEP and president of the European Alliance to Save Energy.

The program for the afternoon is:

14.00 Welcome by the chair
14.10 Introduction of the political debate by Ron Wit, head of the Energy Team at Natuur & Milieu, member of Coolproducts
14.25 Presentation of the study “Ecodesign: improving European economies” by Edith Molenbroek from Ecofys, highlighting the economic benefits of Ecodesign
14.50 Sam Shirnoff, Bosch Siemens Home Appliances, presents the view of BSHG on Ecodesign and successful product policy
15.00 Researcher Paul Waide presents an international comparison of product policy (tbc)
15.20 Break
15.40 Presentation of the joint statement on the future of Ecodesign by Bosch Siemens HG, Philips, Electrolux and Coolproducts
16.00 Paul Hodson, Head of Energy Efficiency Unit at the European Commission, gives his reaction
16.10 Floor is open for Q&A to the speakers and discussion
16.45 Closing, joint drinks


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