By Michael Garry, Mar 01, 2021, 22:18 • 1 minute reading
The fourth public review of the standard concludes March 14.
Alexandria, Virginia. Headquarters of IIAR. © jerryregis/
The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) is inviting HVAC&R stakeholders to submit comments for the fourth public review of a safety standard for CO2 (R744) refrigeration standards.
IIAR has labeled this draft standard BSR/IIAR CO2-202x, “Safety Standard for Closed-Circuit Carbon Dioxide Refrigeration Systems.”
The 30-day public review period, which began February 12, concludes 5 pm EST on Sunday, March 14. Comments can be submitted here.
Background information is available here, and a public review draft is available here.
“Substantive changes resulting from this public review will also be provided for comment in a future public review if necessary,” said IIAR in a letter to its members.
The proposed CO2 standard, initially released two years ago, represents a departure for IIAR from its traditional ammonia focus as it broadens its missions to include all natural refrigerants. It was developed for both commercial and industrial refrigeration applications.
The standard “specifies the minimum requirements for safe design, installation, start-up, and inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) tasks applicable to stationary closed-circuit carbon dioxide refrigeration systems,” said IIAR.
The standard is intended for those who design, install, start-up, and inspect, test, and maintain stationary closed-circuit carbon dioxide refrigeration systems. It will supplement existing general refrigeration standards issued by IIAR and other organizations such as ASHRAE, ASME, and ANSI. It is not intended to supplant existing safety codes, such as the model mechanical or fire codes.
Mar 01, 2021, 22:18
Mar 01, 2021, 22:18
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