EU cooling sector to meet parliamentarians on 26 September

By Marie Battesti, Jul 05, 2017, 12:11 2 minute reading

German MEP Martina Werner will host coolingEU partners to discuss the future of the cooling sector.

EU policymakers and the HVAC&R industry will gather at the European Parliament on 26 September. German Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Martina Werner (Socialists & Democrats) will host a discussion on sustainable cooling among coolingEU partners.

coolingEU is a Brussels-based cross-sector platform promoting the cooling industry. “Probably we will have a number of very brief discussion inputs raising key questions rather than long presentations,” Ingo Wagner, coordinator at coolingEU, said ahead of the September event.

The European Parliament meeting follows on from the coolingEU launch event, which took place on 18 June in Brussels.

The need to raise awareness among policymakers of the challenges facing the cooling sector, to spread knowledge and data among industry to foster research and innovation, and to leverage sustainable cooling at EU policymaking level are all among the topics to be discussed.

“The cooling sector needs more attention,” acknowledged Ewout Deurwaarder from the European Commission, pointing out the lack of cooling data in the European Union.

Deurwaarder said the Commission was mapping geographically cooling and heating data across Europe, to assess the technical potential in each member state for the installation of energy-efficient technology and implement an adapted policy framework.

“Member states tried to do an assessment on that [cooling data], but there was not enough content,” he said.

“There is actually more data on cooling at the global level than at the EU level,” said Julia Panzer, director of strategic communications at Danfoss, a supporter of the coolingEU initiative.

“We are here to raise awareness about the giant of sustainable cooling that we need to wake for the decarbonisation of the energy sector,” Panzer said.

coolingEU plays a crucial role in making policymakers aware of this lack of data, which is essential for an adapted policy framework supporting the development of climate-friendly cooling technology such as natural refrigerants-based systems.

In an exclusive interview with, Danfoss’ Panzer outlined coolingEU and what the forum aims to achieve.

By Marie Battesti

Jul 05, 2017, 12:11

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