Thermowave to showcase new heat exchangers at Chillventa

By team, Sep 07, 2016, 11:37 1 minute reading

As our preview coverage of new natural refrigerant products at Chillventa 2016 continues, today the spotlight falls on Thermowave GmbH, which will be showcasing an efficient new plate heat exchanger for high-pressure CO2 applications.

Thermowave, known internationally as Thermoline, specialises in modern and efficient plate heat exchangers for high-pressure applications in natural refrigerant systems with CO2 and NH3.

A new version of the ThermolinePlus, which will be shown at Chillventa, can withstand high-pressure applications up to 63 bar. The high-pressure resistance is particularly useful for applications using the natural refrigerant CO2.

It can be used in most CO2 systems including cascades, industrial cooling and heat pumps.

According to Thermowave, the advantages of the ThermolinePlus include compact design, a small footprint, a low weight, and a low refrigerant charge. It also features a package of laser-welded modules and is equipped with highly stress-resistant ring gaskets specifically designed for CO2 systems .

At Chillventa, Thermowave will also be showcasing more CO2 parts with its sister company Güntner.

By team (@r744)

Sep 07, 2016, 11:37

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